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Hard Times, A Longman Cultural Edition
Charles Dickens
Tremendous Trifles
G. K. Chesterton
"Симпсоны" как философия: Эссе
Mark T. Conard, Aeon J. Skoble, William Irwin
Лекции по зарубежной литературе
Vladimir Nabokov
Пробуждающаяся наука. Математика Древнего Египта, Вавилона и Греции
Иван Веселовский, B.L. Van Der Waerden
Letters Written by Lord Chesterfield to His Son
Philip Dormer Stanhope
Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady
Samuel Richardson, Angus Ross
Surprised by Joy
C.S. Lewis
A Bit on the Side
William Trevor
Ojos de perro azul
Gabriel García Márquez

The End of the Affair

The End of the Affair - Graham Greene I wonder why the British novelists who are passionate about religion seem to be mostly Catholics (yes, thinking of Waugh here). Is it perhaps too difficult to be passionate about the C. of E.?
Anyway, Greene always raises the questions which can be perfectly well posed and thought about by atheists; and while it's fairly obvious that his personal answer to them is religious, he never shoves it down the reader's throat.
Other than that, I'm not ready to analyze the literary qualities, because I'm too much in tune with Greene to be objective and rational. I often find myself understanding what he says before he's half finished. That's a treasure to find, but it cannot be passed on.